Crossing the Blues
SlidersEdge Unsigned
Accelerometer Game

On the following pages you get information about how to get started with the game and how to control the game.

After installing the downloaded application go to the programs menu on your Nokia 95 There you will find two new applications:

SlidersEdge: (recommended)
This logo will start the socket server and then automatically the SlidEscape application

SlidEscape: (not recommended)
This logo will start only the client for the game. Therefore you will not be able to control the game by using the tilt control via motion sensor. You will only be able to play the game with the keypad and may get weird error messages.

After every game session (New Game) you will be able to enter your name for the highscore list. You can earn points for collecting the items in the level:

Green Crystal: adds 1 point.
Blue Crystal: adds 5 points.
Orange Crystal: adds 10 points
Star: adds 50 points
Black Mirror: adds 100 points and finishes the stage.
Heart: restores 1 life point until a maximum amount of 3 life points.
Thorn bush: removes 1 life point. With 0 life points the game is over.

Gaming Instructions

Part One
The game character will not move on the screen unless the player moves the phone. The more the player shifts/turns the mobile to the right or the left side the faster the game character will run, as shown in the pictures below. The game character will not be able to jump over the abyss if he would walk too slow. To jump, the mobile phones has to be quickly tilted away and back the user.

The “G“ in the circle, top left on the screen is the gravity time indicator. Changing the gravity toggles a timer and if the “G” turns red, you will fall down and the gravity mode is set off. You have to wait a short amount of time until it has recharged.
The black circle, top right on the screen is the time indicator for the level. The darker is becomes, the shorter is the time you have got left to finish the stage.
The pink and the green line on bottom and on the left border of the screen are the axis indicators. They will help you to hold the mobile device at the right position. Best position: both indicators fill only the half of the border where they are situated.

Part Two
The game character stands in front of an insurmountable wall. But the player can just turn the world by turning the mobile phone. Then turn it a little bit more to walk on the ground wall. When the character has reached the end he falls down because of the gravity, but he would die if he flies out of the window so the player has to turn back the mobile phone and the gravity will change back to the original direction, therefore pushing the player back to the ground.

Part Three
The game character stands in front of an uncrossable abyss. To traverse it, the player can turn the world by turning the mobile phone by 180 degrees and the character has a new ground - the overhang from before. However, the player has to think different. He has to walk to the left side and not into the right one, by turning the mobile phone a little bit into the left side. The player can turn around the phone at any time and it will change back to the original direction, therefore pushing the player back to the ground again.
Install the file * first JAR and soon later the file * SISX

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